Development Of The Company
1970 founded as an engineering office under the legal form of GbR (private company)
1970-85 construction and development of degreasing systems for industrial applications
1982 operation of the first groundwater treatment unit, development, construction and operation of a multi-stage stripper for the purification of polluted groundwater
1985 development and construction of a system for soil vapor extraction and the elimination of volatile compounds from the vadose zone
1985 renamed as GmbH (limited company)
1987 moving to new company building: Bluecherstr. 2, Reutlingen
1989 research assignment of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg for the development and the construction of systems for catalytic air purification
1989-93 research assignment of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMFT) for the development and construction of biofilter systems for air purification
1995 moving to new company building: Ferdinand-Lassalle-Str. 46, Reutlingen. Site with company building, manufacturing hall and warehouse
1995 awarded with the Innovation Award of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Innovationspreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg) for the development of mobile systems for catalytic air purification
1998 delivery of one of Europe’s largest units for the purification of contaminated groundwater for a site in Northern Italy. Flow rate: 400 m³/h. Expansion of the unit to 850 m³/h in 2001.
2002-05 research assignment of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMFT) for the development and the construction of systems for air purification by means of high-frequency energy “dielectrically hindered discharge”
2010 research assignment of the German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU) for the development of a adsorptive catalytic combination process
2015 Start of series production of thermal exhaust air purification systems
2013-2016 Development of systems for concentration equalization / peak shaver in exhaust air purification systems